what if my bike doesn’t fit?

This happens only a few times a year! I usually figure it out pretty quick and stop the fit for the day early. This way, we can make a plan for what bike to get and finish the fit on the new one later. Essentially, the fit is split into two sessions and we don’t waste time on a bike that isn’t going to work.

a bike fit for mountain bikes?!

You got it! If you ride it, I can fit it. You will be at the shop a similar amount of time for a mountain bike fit but the focus changes to suit the demands of the sport. We will work on suspension setup, dial in your position for seated AND out of the saddle riding, review efficient riding technique, and more. I have raced mountain bikes since 1999 and ridden everything from rigid singlespeeds to 150 mm travel Enduro bikes. Flat pedals or clips, hardtail or downhill, I have you covered. Mountain bikes are my fastest growing fit segment and I am happy to show you the magic of a well fit bike!

what is it like after the fit?

My best advice here is to ride easy until the bike feels normal then transition back to your normal routine. Some people have a little muscle soreness due to changes in position. The riding easy part is really important. Your brain coordinates your pedal stroke and it takes time to develop full efficiency. This is best done in a relaxed state and not pushed to your limit! I will usually prescribe exercises to work on after the fit to work on any areas of potential improvement we noticed during the assessment portion of the fit.